2025 Tennessee Association of Museums Call for Proposals

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2025 Tennessee Association of Museums Conference
March 12-14
Knoxville, TN

Call for Proposals

Deadline: October 18, 2024

"Hope is like the sun. If you only believe it when you see it, you'll never make it through the night."                           General Leia Organa, Star Wars: Episode VIII-The Last Jedi

General Leia Organa's words are not dissimilar from those spoken by museum professionals and volunteers across Tennessee.

  • I know we are at capacity, but I hope to launch this program next year.
  • Do you smell that? I hope it's not the HVAC system.
  • I gave it my best shot; now I just hope that donor calls me back.
  • Have you heard from Melissa or Paul? I hope we get that grant.

Desirous of a bright future, even amid seemingly dark times, Tennessee museums are full of hope. But how are they turning hope into reality?

With the Semiquincentennial quickly approaching in 2026, the state's museum community is approaching a turning point, and is now a great time to take stock and develop a vision for the future.

The Tennessee Association of Museums' 64th Annual Conference in Knoxville will challenge the state's museums to think ahead and share their hopes, the best practices and strategies for turning those hopes into realities, and the rewards that come from aspirational thinking.

Session proposals should channel the spirit of General Organa by using the past to prepare for a brighter future. Presenters are encouraged to include time for "futurecasting" that builds on the lessons learned in their work and how they can inspire the future of museums in the Volunteer State.

You never know, there may come a time when museums are Tennessee's "only hope."

Submit a proposal for a session to inspire us in 2025. Proposals must be submitted by October 18, 2024. For questions, contact Bethany Hawkins, TAM Conference Chair, hawkins@aaslh.org

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