Four times a year, History News magazine brings you the latest discussions, developments, and innovations in the field of state and local history. That mission includes reviewing books on theoretical and practical topics that our members and readers are talking about and using in their daily work. AASLH is building our pool of book reviewers for History News, and we want you to get involved.

Apply to be a book reviewer and share your expertise with the field. We will match you with a book according to your interests, and send you a complimentary copy.

Our reviewers:

  • Have expertise and experience in the book’s topic or sub-field
  • Can discuss how the book will contribute to public history and relate it to similar works
  • Commit to writing a 500-word review that summarizes and analyses the book’s thesis or topic
  • Work with our editors to meet deadlines and craft a great review

Here are some of the titles we've reviewed recently:

And visit our website for examples of great reviews in the style that we look for from the Summer 2015 History News.

Questions? Contact Aja Bain, Program and Publications Manager, at or 615-320-3203.

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.